Review: Mosquitno Band

By Latitude34 @Lat34Travel
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Review: Mosquitno Band

Marina and I have tried everything when it comes to mosquito repellant while traveling. From sprays, candles, long sleeves and coils, we’ve tried it all. While some of these work to a certain degree there is nothing worse than getting ready to go out for the night, clean and ready to go and having to then spray sticky and smelly mosquito spray all over you skin and clean clothes. Alternatively, candles and coils smell pretty strong and don’t really work too well most times.

We were very excited to try out the Mosquitno Band, which claims to revolutionize the mosquito repellant game. Small, stylish bracelets and stickers are the newest way to fight away pesky mosquitos and they actually work quite well. The 100% natural, citronella infused stickers and bands make it as easy as possible to fight off insects while not even noticing you are wearing it.

So bring on the concerts, picnics, camping trips and evening BBQ’s – and enjoy an evening with a mosquito bite. The bands last for an amazing 150 hours and the stickers up to 72 hours.

There is no denying how quickly a mosquito bite can ruin your night, but what is even worse is dealing with something like malaria or dengue fever. On my birthday last year I got Dengue fever in Thailand and while I always tried to wear long sleeves and keep myself covered in bug spray, having a Mosquitno band wouldn’t have hurt and could have saved me a lot of unneeded agony.

So while we will always face mosquitos and their annoying bites, at least we are now one step closer to avoiding the annoyance of bug bites while enjoying the great outdoors. So pack up the car, make a picnic, set up your tent and enjoy a bug free adventure all by just throwing on a bracelet or slapping a sticker on your shirt – doesn’t get much easier than that!

Additional photos provided from Flickr via Ramón Portellano

*Disclosure of Material Connection: I received the Ribz Front Pack for free as coordinated by Deep Creek Public Relations in consideration for review publication.

.H . Jeff Johns is the co-founder and editor of Latitude 34 Travel Blog. Through 65 countries on 6 continents he has accumulated a seemingly endless stream of odd information, interesting stories and helpful tips and tricks to better travel. Jeff’s goal is to visit all 204 countries on Earth before he is too senile to remember them all. A graduate of the Visual Journalism program at the Brooks Institute, his true passions lay in honest visual storytelling, documentary filmmaking, Thai food and a good laugh. Together with his girlfriend Marina, they run Latitude 34 Travel Blog as a source of helpful information for those who love to travel or those who simply dream of it. If you have a comment or suggestion, send them an email and they’ll respond super fast!