I am a total handbag fanatic and love large bags, so when I was offered the chance of reviewing a bag from Mia tui I jumped at the chance. They very kindly sent me the Ella bag in black to try out.
The bag comes in a bright pink reusable shopper style bag, which has actually turned into a storage bag for nappies in our little boys nursery.
Ella is perfect as a work bag, baby changing bag, or stylish medium sized handbag. It's also available to buy in red, steel blue, aubergine, teal and chocolate. The black one that I was sent costs £58, and can be purchased directly from the website.
Ella is made from really soft faux leather and waterproof both inside and out, making it perfect as a changing bag. The bag lining is an eye catching bright pink and numerous pockets and sections including a phone pocket and a bottle holder.
Obviously the bag can be used for various reasons, a gym bag, a work bag, a handbag or a changing bag, which is the use I found most suitable. You can see how spacious the inside of the bag is above. There's plenty of room for wipes, a stash or nappies and other bits and pieces, whilst still leaving room for my own purse and essentials.
The design is elegant and stylish, so will go with any outfit, I imagine once I no longer need it for baby, it would make a great bag for going back to work.
I found the black the most suitable color for me as it means I can use it as a handbag if I am out alone without baby or I can attached it to the handle of my pushchair which is black and lime green.
I found it hung nicely from the pushchair with the use of some stroller hooks. I found the bag easier to use with the longer strap attached when it was fastened to the stoller hooks.
Overall I am VERY impressed with the Mia Tui bag. It's stylish and pretty but absolutely huge inside. It has a multitude of uses and I really like it. I think it is much more functional than some of the other change bags that are on the market, which are a lot more expensive.
Mia Tui have also kindly given my readers the chance to buy a bag with a discount of 15%.
*I was sent the bag free of charge to review on my blog*