Review: Measuring Up by Nyrae Dawn

Posted on the 06 November 2012 by Appraisingpages @appraisjngpages

Seventeen-year-old Annabel Conway is tired of the Hillcrest High School elite making her life miserable because she’s not a size two. This summer, she’s hiring a personal trainer to help her lose weight. 

Annabel doesn’t expect her trainer to be a gorgeous guy around her age. Boys like Tegan are jerks. They pretend to like girls like her so they can make an idiot out of them. Been there, done that. Totally not going there again. She kind of hates him on principal. Blond. Muscular. Funny. It doesn’t help that he knows her measurements!

Soon, Tegan’s so much more than that. He’s the boy who teaches her to box when she has a bad day. Who jogs with her and lets her set the pace. Who kisses her until she melts. He makes her feel beautiful regardless of what the scale says. Unlike her mom, he doesn’t expect perfection, and he doesn’t try to shield her from the world like her dad and best friend. Tegan likes her the way she is.

But what happens when he’s not there? He can’t always be there… 

Will Annabel be able to stand on her own and learn that she already measures up? That her worth doesn’t lie in what the world thinks, the scale says, or even what Tegan tells her—but in herself?

I was really excited to start this book because of all the good reviews I’ve  read about it.  ”Measuring Up” is a well written story detailing emotions that a lot of girls go through all the while the reader get to be on a romance ride. I really felt it was refreshing to read about a character that actually has to watch what she eats. I have never been lucky enough to just eat whatever I want and it seems like the majority of characters have that dream metabolism. Now, that metabolism really does exist, my best friend and co-blogger Amanda is beautiful and doesn’t have to watch her diet and she is open about being blessed ( she understands how many women would love to have that going on & I love that about her). Being honest, it is still really cool to get to hear a voice that has similar issues to mine. It was so hard in high school to have to be so careful about what I ate around friends that didn’t.  I adored Annabel beyond her eating issues, I liked her sarcasm and the way she learned to have to love her-self . The relationship between her and her family was SO FRUSTRATING, I wanted to tell her mom off and tell her dad to get a clue! Now, lets talk about Tegan ! At first, I hard time with his name because one of my good friends daughter is named Teagan. The spelling kept bugging me and I kept picturing a 3 year old toddler…. awkward. But, as the book moved on I was so into the story and really got to know his charter that he really was TEGAN, 100% man. I loved the way their relationship with clear with insecurities  that are involved in young relationship. Their story felt real and it was a great example of what can happen when you fight through insecurities.  I absolutely recommend this book!

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