Review Mash Up: The Walking Dead, Graphic Novels, T.V. Show, & HHN Maze

By Appraisingpages @appraisjngpages

Today, we have guest blogger Nathaniel Brooks( my husband) who is obsessed with graphic novels & zombies reviewing The Walking Dead.


They’re everywhere.

Stalking you, hunting you, around every corner, zombies… They’re in your books, your tv, and your amusement parks? That’s right, “The Walking Dead” this year has now a new feature in the very popular Halloween Horror Nights, hosted by Universal Studios. Being so popular there are two events based on the comic/tv series, the terror tram ride and a classic based haunted house. My review today will be on all three sections of this newly popular phenomenon: graphic novel, T.V. show, and the attraction. Zombies have been huge part of the horror genre since even the beginning of all things horror. With the Walking dead, it seems to be taking the obsession to whole new level.
First with the graphic novel.

Written by Robert Kirkman, Tony Moore, and Charlie Adlard, this was the black and white beauty that started it all. I remember back in 2003. Picking up each issue as it was released. Reading through each page with almost a sense of awe in how brilliant I thought it was. The way the author was able to intertwine not only the vile gore that is the allure of any zombie fan, but also the social, and phycological aspect to what a total collapse of our current society would be like.
Then the show came.