Review \\ London Grammar – If You Wait

Posted on the 07 September 2013 by Djwillis14

Review \\ London Grammar – If You Wait

The London trio have truly outdone themselves with a touching, addictive and beautiful debut album, proving they are far from one hit wonders.

If You Wait showcases a dynamic range of engaging and emotional pop at its best.The album proves that London Grammar have mastered what they have encountered through flawless production alongside Reid’s angelic voice in a seamless. Guitar accompaniment (Dan Rothman) in many of the songs adds a further level to the emotional torment which the album puts you through.

Hannah Reid’s voice is reminiscent of Kate Bush and Florence Welch – haunting, emotionally charged, and powerful enough to punctuate the 11 song record. ‘Wasting My Young Years’ is one of the standout tracks from the album, alongside ‘Strong’. Each of the song’s has an emotional depth shown beautifully by the longing present within Reid’s voice.

‘Nightcall’ is drenched with longing, and desperation: “I’m gonna tell you something you don’t want to hear / I’m giving you a night call to tell you how I feel”.
If You Wait is an album which has no dull tracks, no song has been overlooked and every single minute of the album has clearly been subject to the utmost attention. Any listener is guaranteed to fall in love with at least one of their absolutely flawless tracks. A triumph from these relative newcomers; they were obviously worthy of the hype they received. A triumph.

A capital success from the rising stars who are bound to gain plenty of new fans on their upcoming tour. London Grammar get 10/10 from us.

Review \\ London Grammar – If You WaitReview \\ London Grammar – If You Wait

If You Wait is out on September 9th on Warner / Chappell Music.