Review: Legacies of Talimura: War of the Witch, by Angel Haze

Posted on the 01 December 2011 by Twilightbookjunkie @TwiBookJunkie

Book Description (via Goodreads):Debonair, a witch from the Unspoken Lands, has meddled in the forbidden practice of magic and created an army of nightmarish proportions. When sixteen-year-old Astanyx and his two best friends return from a hunting trip to find their small town of Polca reduced to smoke and ash, they find themselves thrust into a battle for which they haven't been trained.
With the help of his comrades, including an esteemed warrior, one of the last great wizards and a princess they've sworn to protect, Astanyx must fight to unite the kingdoms of the humans, dwarves and elves. He must ask forbidden questions that no one wants to answer, questions about Talimura's dark history. As Debonair's brutal warriors lay siege to the kingdoms, Astanyx is driven to pursue a fateful quest for a blade powerful enough to defeat the malevolent witch before she destroys the three kingdoms and unleashes an unspeakable ancient evil.

My Review:
I was nicely given a copy to review of this book from the author. When i read the description it sounded very appealing to me. It sounded like it had pretty much a bit of everything in it, which it did. Witches, Gnomes, Elves, Warriors, Birdmen, and other creatures, some i had never heard of. The story started out good to me, but it abruptly switches to a whole other point of view and stays there for quite a while, which i found kinda odd, not bad odd, just wasn't expecting it. Throughout the story it does more switching back as forth, although not as much as it's more understandable by then. This story is a must-read for any high fantasy lovers (example, Game Of Thrones for a younger generation w/ a bit of Harry Potter magic in there), there is tons of action in this book which i'm not used to as i have never read a book with SOO much action in it. I loved the plotline, a witch who is destroying all the kingdoms for her own selfish reasons and the teens and their friends who have to save the day. One thing i was dissapointed in, was that i was expecting a bigger role to be there in the story for Luccia (the princess) than there was, i mean she was in there, but i had expected her to be one the main characters and she seemed more like a supporting role. Hopefully in the next one if it keeps with the same characters she will have a bigger role because i love a female heroine who can kick ass and tell about it later! I felt there was and still is a lot of potential for that character, and the budding romance between her and Astanyx which i was sooo hoping would happen, and it's kind of hinted at but not until the end of the book, so i am hoping book 2 gives this. Some parts of the book were kind of slow to me, and other times i didn't want to put it down. A very enjoyable read, kind of fast paced because of the storyline, but never a dull moment thats for sure. If you can get past the occasional slow spots in the book, then i think you will enjoy the book. Especially those who are huge fans of high-fantasy with lots of action. This is a series i will stick with, as it did keep me wanting to know what happened next!
So verdict: Very fun fantasy read, tons of action, lots of different fantasy creatures, and magic, as long as you can hang through the occasional slow spots you will like this very much if you enjoy this genre.
Happy reading! =)  

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