Review: Inside Out

Posted on the 02 August 2015 by Markwadsworth @Mark_Wadsworth

It's rare that I see a film and come out thinking that I haven't just seen a movie, but a film that might just be a classic. I see a lot of very entertaining films, I see films that later turn out to be classics, but I rarely see films that not just blow me away at how good they are, but which I'm sure aren't just a passing fad.
If you don't know the plot, it's about all the stuff going on inside a young girl's head. This has been done many times in cinema. For example: the scene with the little men inside the brain of a man trying to have sex in Woody Allen's Everything You Wanted to Know About Sex But Were Afraid to Ask.
The big difference here is that (and my knowledge of psychology and neuroscience isn't too detailed) the stuff going on in the film seems grounded in a lot of good science. This means it's not trite, but makes the story outside and inside the head feel right.
Film of the year so far, thoroughly recommended.