Review for Dead Girls Dance (Morganville Vampires Book 2) by Rachel Caine

By Lauryn April @LaurynApril
Fast Paced and Entertaining.
 4 Stars. This book starts right where Glass Houses ends and once I finished it, it felt like these two books could easily be read as one story. I enjoyed the first book more, but was still happy to read this one.
I couldn’t put this down. It’s fast paced and sucks you in, but I didn’t really like how so much happens in so few days. It seems like the characters never have much rest. Also this ends with yet another cliffhanger. I’m really not a fan of cliffhangers. As a piece of the entire Morganville series Dead Girls Dance was great, but as its own standalone novel it felt a little lacking. I think what disappointed me about this book is that it really just felt like a bridge between books 1 and 3. That said as soon as I set this one down I picked up the next one.
We find out that Shane has a really complicated past, but it makes sense as to why he’s so moody sometimes. His story is tragic and really explains why he hates the vampires so much. I enjoyed the complexity of his character and seeing him struggle with his beliefs. Claire has grown up a lot by this book as well. She’s a lot less timid. She’s more confidant, but also more risky.
I liked that this book looked how the world isn’t just black and white. The vampires can be really evil, but so could some of the humans. Some of the things Monica does seem more evil than the things the vampires do, like when she sets Claire up to be taken advantage of.
Now that I’m on the third book I see all the little things the first two have included to set things up for the plot in later books. There are a lot of little details that I’m still discovering the meaning behind, and I enjoy that.
A smaller annoyance I have with this series is that I’m confused as to what Claire looks like. In the first book they say her hair is black and in a short pixie cut, but in this book it’s at least long enough to put in pig tails and not black. I’m hoping the next book with provide a clearer picture of her.
Overall I'm really enjoying this series, and plan to continue with it.
Read my review of Glass Houses (Morganville Vampires Book 1)