REVIEW! Ferrero Fiesta Coco Intense Cake

By Thereviewaddict @TheReviewAddict

Mr Review Addict is on a roll at the moment with the snack hunting, not only did he find me an Oreo Creme Filled Brownie the other day but he also found me this 5 pack of Ferrero Fiesta Coco Intense Cakes! 
He found them in Londis and I had assumed that they were imported from Europe but they have a UK address on the back so I guess not. They also say that they are new on the packet, I am not sure how new they are in the UK but neither of us had seen them before. I do know that they have been produced by Ferrero since the 60s though and there have been quite a few flavours including cherry, almonds and coffee.

Ferrero Fiesta Coco Intense is a cocoa sponge cake with a creamy filling and with a drop of sweet liqueur. Each cake weighs 42g and contains 198 calories. 
I like that the cakes were individually wrapped which is good for keeping them fresh and also handy for lunches/snacks on the go. The chocolate coating was nice and the sponge was soft and chocolatey and very light it was also moist at the same time and I believe this was down to the liqueur. The filling was good too, it had a slightly milky flavor to it. The cakes don't taste particularly boozy and the liqueur is only 3%. I couldn't identify what sort of liqueur it was but it did add a nice flavor.
VerdictThe texture of the cake was great and I would certainly look out for these again. I would also be keen to try the cherry version if it is still around!