'In the fourth installment of Imogen Robertson's acclaimed historical suspense series, Mrs. Harriet Westerman and Gabriel Crowther depart England for the Duchy of Maulberg on a desperate mission to save a man accused of murder.
Shrove Tuesday, 1784. As Germany's elite dance at a masked ball, the beautiful Lady Martesen is murdered. Daniel Clode, Mrs. Westerman's brother-in-law, is found near the body, his wrists cut, his memories nightmarish. Is Daniel a killer? As he awaits execution, Westerman enlists Crowther, the increasingly reclusive anatomist, to help prove Daniel's innocence. After another ruthless death, the investigative duo find themselves racing to solve the mystery behind the killings--but no one will talk, and the clock is ticking for Daniel.'
My thoughts:
Time and time again, I have tried to read this series and enjoy this historical mystery series. And time and time again, I seem to fail at this. I have read four books in this series and it seems every single time I pick up one of these books, I am bored to tears and spend most of my time wishing the book was over already. For some reason, I have a hard time connecting with the characters and they seem to be intelligent, yet hard to like for me. I think that this is a series that I am going to have to give up on and count it as a loss. I have tried really hard to like the characters and the mysteries, but I just can't enjoy them.
This mystery takes place in Germany and Westerman and Crowther head there from England to help clear her brother-in-law of murder. While the story is taking place of them trying to hunt down a killer, there is a side story that kind of relates to the plot, but not really. I was glad to have finally finished this book and that is a sign to me that I should quit this series while I am ahead. If I can't wait to finish a book so that I can read something else, then obviously this isn't the series for me.
This series does attract some followers and I am glad that while I didn't enjoy it, that other readers do find it entertaining. Something about the characters just puts me off this series and seeing as I can't connect, I have a hard time reading this author. The writing isn't bad, it just is a little all over the place and at times hard to keep up with. I personally am I surprised in myself that I actually stuck with this book until the end, but I have decided that it is time to let this series go and to not continue any further.
Overall Rating: 1
Title: Circle of Shadows
Author: Imogen Robertson
Series: Westerman & Crowther Mystery #4
Publisher: Penguin Books
Publication Date: June 13, 2013
Pages: 386
Genre: Historical Mystery
Get It: Amazon; Barnes & Noble
Disclaimer: This book was given to me by the publisher, through Edelweiss, in exchange for my honest review. I reviewed this book without compensation of any kind. All thoughts and opinions are solely mine.