Review: A Million Suns (Across the Universe #2) by Beth Revis

By Littlebookstar @LittleBookStar

Genre: YA Sci-Fi
Published: January 10, 2011 by Razorbill
Series: #2 (Across the Universe)
Length: 386 Pages
Source: bought (at Barnes & Noble)

Godspeed was once fueled by lies. Now it is ruled by chaos.

It’s been three months since Amy was unplugged. The life she always knew is over. Everywhere she looks, she sees the walls of the spaceship Godspeed.

But there may be hope: Elder has assumed leadership of the ship. He’s finally free to act on his vision—no more Phydus, no more lies.

But when Elder learns shocking news about the ship, he and Amy race to discover the truth behind life on Godspeed. They must work together to unlock a mystery that was set in motion hundreds of years earlier. Their success—or failure—will determine the fate of the 2,298 passengers aboard Godspeed. But with each step, the journey becomes more perilous, the ship more chaotic, and the love between them more impossible to fight.

Beth Revis catapulted readers into the far reaches of space with her New York Times bestselling debut, Across the Universe. In A Million Suns, Beth deepens the mystery with action, suspense, romance, and deep philosophical questions. And this time it all builds to one mind-bending conclusion: They have to get off this ship.

*This review will contain some spoilers from the first book since it is the second book of the trilogy.*

Convinced by Amy, Elder has taken off the Phydus in Godspeed’s system. This book is about Elder ruling without the drug, a LOT of twist, secrets, and shocking revelations. This book is a drug!

Aw man. Beth Revis has done it again. Seriously. I don’t know why you wouldn’t LOVE this book. It has everything! Just like the first book, from the moment you read the first page, the book will have you hooked on. Especially when the mystery stuff was thrown in there. OH MY GOSH. When you read A Million Suns, make sure you’re free because it will be really hard to take your eyes off of the book. What I also loved about this is it’s not just a story, I was surprised that it made me think about something. It had a connection with the real world even though it’s a ya science fiction book. It reminded me of uspeople. How the people acted in Godspeed were so much like us. It made me say “wow that’s definitely how we are, and it’s sad.”

Another thing that I loved about it is that our main characters, Elder and Amy, matured and changed. Elder was definitely the one who changed a lot since Eldest is gone. He had to take on the role of Eldest and in this book, he realizes whether or not he fits in the role of being the Eldest in the ship. The other thing that I seriously loved about this book is when Orion ‘gives’ Amy clues about the “secret” of the ship. HOLY FREXING FREX. That’s like the best part of the book. No, that IS the best part of the book. It made me feel nervous, tensed, and excited! I still can’t get over it!

If you’re looking for a sci-fi book with a lot of mystery, adventure, and excitement, well I suggest you X out of my blog and read this book right now. Just kidding. Really though, I recommend this trilogy to everyone, even to animals, trees, cells, houses, and whatever is on this planet. One more thing, I love how this book is as good as the first one. No disappointments at all! 5 frexing stars, no doubt.