Review #3751: Haven 3.5: “Double Jeopardy”

Posted on the 22 October 2012 by Entil2001 @criticalmyth

Contributor: John Keegan

Written by Nora and Lilla Zuckerman
Directed by Nisha Ganatra

This episode was going to win a lot of hearts by featuring one of the most ridiculously attractive guest stars in recent memory, while also getting the balance between the episodic and the serialized closer to the mark. I love the notion of a Trouble that allows Lady Justice to incarnate and punish those who have escaped the consequences of their misdeeds.

It also makes sense for this to be a means to explore Duke’s ongoing guilt over the murder he committed earlier in the season, and it’s great that his need to be punished was mitigated by Audrey’s ability to place his actions in context. It’s a fitting way to further their relationship. I love the idea that Audrey, for Duke, is nobody but Audrey Parker. The past incarnations don’t mean anything to him. In a season devoted to the question of destiny vs. free will, it makes sense that Duke would focus on the individual’s ability to chart his or her own course.

On the other side of the equation, Claire keeps pushing Audrey to delve deeper and deeper into her past life memories, and I’m still not convinced that this is all for Audrey’s benefit. Whatever else we might not know about the “Bolt Gun Killer”, the fact that he’s constructing a woman that has hair roughly the same color as Audrey is a disturbing sign. I can’t help but think that Claire is connected to the killer somehow.

I think we’re supposed to trust Claire more than we do Jordan, but at least I can sympathize with what Jordan was trying to do while lying to Nathan. Nathan keeps pushing to get involved with The Guard, but as much as he says that’s the only reason why he’s cozying up to Jordan, it’s clear there’s a spark between them. I actually like Nathan with Jordan a lot more. I can sum it up like this: with Audrey, Nathan is the one getting something out of her immunity to his Trouble; with Jordan, it’s a more equitable exchange.

I get the distinct feeling that the season is building towards something big, even if it’s taking a little while to get there. The writers are allowing the new characters to settle in a bit, and I’m sure once they do, the story will kick it into gear.

Writing: 2/2
Acting: 2/2
Direction: 2/2
Style: 2/4

Final Score: 8/10