Review #3381: Being Human UK 4.7: “Making History”

Posted on the 22 March 2012 by Entil2001 @criticalmyth

Contributor: John Keegan

Written by Toby Whithouse
Directed by Daniel O’Hara

As one might have easily predicted, given the pattern of previous series of “Being Human”, the penultimate episode is used to course-correct back to the story arc that was introduced in the premiere. While some of the elements have been inserted to some small degree in the intervening episodes, like Cutler’s interactions with Tom, much of the progress comes from some seriously clunky exposition.

Cutler’s plan is at the heart of the episode, but it’s unclear how it all pertains to the long view. We know from the fourth series premiere that the Old Ones eventually decide to rise up and launch an all-out offensive on the human race. Werewolves represent the allies of humanity, as depicted, but that apparently comes after both sides realize they’ve been used against one another.

As it turns out, Cutler was sired by Hal, and Hal was not generous in how he introduced Cutler to his new status quo. He took Cutler’s hot young wife and bled her dry, in turn ramping up Cutler’s bloodlust by feeding that blood to him. Seeing him back in 1950, it’s easy to believe that Hal, were he to go off the wagon, so to speak, would become the central figure in a truly evil campaign to rule the world. (Even if wiping out humanity is a good way to eliminate one’s food supply.)

With Tom convinced that he can be the next wolf-shaped bullet against the Old Ones, Cutler just has to strip away Hal’s personal reforms. His methods, as one might imagine, are a mixture of expedience and revenge. Hal’s attempt at a relationship with Alex pretty much makes her Cutler’s natural choice as a source of blood to feed to Hal.

Meanwhile, Future Eve informs Annie (through tons and tons of exposition) that she is, in fact, the burned and branded nemesis of Baby Eve, who needs to kill herself to prevent the future from happening. Despite a lot of attempts to clarify how exactly that is supposed to work, it never quite makes sense. If Eve grows up, we know that the vampires win. If Eve dies, the vampires supposedly lose. How does that work out?

After all, how would Eve’s survival lead to Hal becoming the leader of the vampire jihad? Future Eve implies that his sobriety is meant to be challenged by his exposure to humans, spurred on by her machinations to toss him into the house with Annie and Tom. Setting aside the fact that dealing with Annie would logically drive anyone insane, I don’t see how Eve’s death really changes anything, unless it would somehow push Hal to use his Old One power to lead the fight to destroy all vampires. (But does that work within the prophecy?)

The biggest problem is this: while this episode certainly raises the stakes in terms of pushing Hal to the crisis point, I don’t see how this is all supposed to make sense. It feels tossed together in the most haphazard of ways, and other than the extent of power that Hal is meant to possess, how is this really any different than previous plot arcs involving Mitchell and his attempts to maintain/regain his humanity?

This episode does promise that the season will at least end on a more energetic and interesting note, but it does very little to address the major plot and character issues that have plagued the fourth series.

Writing: 1/2
Acting: 2/2
Direction: 2/2
Style: 1/4

Final Rating: 6/10