Review #3256: Being Human (US) 2.3: “All Out of Blood”

Posted on the 31 January 2012 by Entil2001 @criticalmyth

Contributor: John Keegan

Leave it to this version of “Being Human” to once again surprise me with the direction of its storytelling. While it didn’t deviate overly much from the signs and portents of the previous episode, it did manage to tie a few things together in ways I hadn’t anticipated.

For example, I didn’t expect Aidan to wind up in bed with Josh’s ex-fiance! I didn’t even remember him mentioning Julia before, but a bit of digging revealed that it was something that was covered, if briefly, in the first season. But considering that the episode began with some slightly comedic dueling bedroom romps with Aidan/Julia and Josh/Nora, it was a great way to toss an unexpected wrench into what was a seemingly happy circumstance.

Of course, this also gives the writers some time to delve into Aidan’s swift descent. In a nice twist, the hospital actually figures out that someone is stealing blood, and beefs up security. This puts Aidan in a bad situation, because as we saw in the first season, “live feeding” is a terribly addictive practice, and one that brings out the predatory aspects of a vampire’s nature. By the end of the episode, Aidan couldn’t be more set up to fall into Suran’s alluring siren song; it’s clear that her lack of hesitance in feeding from humans will represent a strong temptation to slide back into bad habits.

The revelation about Julia also takes Nora, who was beginning to find some stability with her new circumstances, completely off track. Nora’s desires for Josh wasn’t just designed to titillate the audience; it was to establish that she could get a grip on her new nature. Julia’s sudden appearance, and the feelings that came with it, opened the door for the instability to rise again. Nora only avoided another murder by dumb luck, and despite her momentary resumption of self-control, there’s no reason to think that she’s out of the woods yet.

Sally’s search for a safe haven from the dark entity that emerged from the other side takes a decidedly uncomfortable turn. As it turns out, it’s possible for the departed to “reincarnate” by merging, in a sense, with a newborn’s spirit. As much as the nurse with the special sixth sense might say that it’s a mutual arrangement, with the full consent of the newborn, it’s definitely a disturbing notion.

What I like is that the writers didn’t shy away from the issues with the concept to much of a degree. As much as they made the one example of reincarnation look like a good thing, complete with uplifting musical cues, Sally’s attempt to force the issue was not played for laughs. It also spoke to how far Sally is willing to go to avoid confronting her fears.

Perhaps the best thing about this plot element is what it says about the intentions for Sally. She’s not going to be relegated to the easy comic relief like Annie was in the British original. Her arc is just as compelling and substantial as the material for her roommates, and that gives this version of the series a more balanced tone. I think Sally has a long way to fall this season, just as Aidan and Josh have a very hard road coming.

The second season of “Being Human” has yet to disappoint, and this episode is full of the reasons why the American version was a solid idea. There are elements being explored in this version that were missed in the original, and those characters are either no longer with that show or have evolved past the natural point where these plot threads would make sense. Sometimes, there is a value in exploring the same premise with different minds.

Writing: 2/2
Acting: 2/2
Direction: 2/2
Style: 2/4

Final Rating: 8/10