Reverse Movie FX PRO – magic video v1.3.9.4 Apk: opposite movie FX is an app that helps you to create a reverse video that looks as if a magic trick! First record a video of someone (or you): on foot, ingesting orange juice, speakme or another concept that comes on your head! After that pick out a preferred film fragment and press begin! The app will reverse your video: you’ll see humans on foot backwards, your friend spitting the juice out, people speakme backwards!
a few ideas of video opposite:
object kinetic enchantment (you need to throw an object)
tear a sheet of paper
throwing a sheet of papier to the toilet
ingesting a juice (and spitting it out as a end result)
spilling a juice
cash attracting
Reversing alternatives:
– add track
– reversed + unique
– authentic + reversed