
By Theheiress @EireneyC

Christ + Nasara + Young Nnoiz + Live band = #RevealedOverflow.
In case you are wondering, that was the aspects that made up #RevealedOverflow.
Revealed Overflow is the name of the maiden concert in the gospel music ministry scene this year on Saturday, 23rd 2016 at MJ Centre.

The thought of attending the event would get me really excited. I think at some point I started counting down days and hours to the event. Please don't laugh at me, but I was too excited to eat when I got home after the event. The only other event that makes me full of joy in almost a similar way, is every fellowships, meetings or services in the house of God I attend. I thank God for fasting prayers. ;) Oh yes, fellowship of the brethren under a true and holy Overseer is an important and exciting thing to a believer of Christ. I digress.

Back to the event. First, the show began on time.

Beatboxing (also beat boxing or b-boxing) is a form of vocal percussion primarily involving the art of mimicking drum beats using one's mouth, lips, tongue, and voice. It may also involve vocal imitation of turntablism , and other musical instruments. ~ http://wiki.eanswers.com/

Let's just say that as they used their mouths to beat-box, some of us used our mouths to see, and when it got overwhelming, we used the mouths to cheer and praise God for placing in His creation, such interesting (somewhat unbelievable) gift.

Armed with a great and highly skilled band, the young soldier of Christ, Young Nnoiz began to give thanks and praise for his Maker. Every beat, lyric tune he belted out was a revelation of who God has been to him thus far. As he did songs from his debut mixtape album, Revealed, he was both humbled and honored to invite us to catch a glimpse of his life; past, present and future. He was unashamed of the great work that Christ has done in him.

Like my Apostle always tells us in church, 'What I am ashamed of is my bondage.' It was refreshing to hear a testimony that glorifies God as opposed to him bragging about his strength or using struggles as a point of credibility. In his words, Revealed is about '...my walk with God'. I enjoyed Young Nnoiz's beatboxing, punchline, puns, basically, his entire ministry in the event.

Nasara then got on stage and dropped lines that had us snapping. He began with an intercession about this city, #iPRAY and proceeded to minister with music from his debut album. In the words of my sister and friend Kathi, 'I love that he feels the music.' It was not just a performance. It was as if it was ministering to Nasara himself afresh. That's the thing about Holy Spirit inspired works. They always have fresh ministry every time. Overflow is from a point of, in the words of king David, 'My cup runneth over'. One word to describe Nasara, Electric.
In signing out as the event came to an end (despite our chants for more), he gave a word to the sponsors and somewhere in there said 'My sponsor is God'.

You can get their music here...
itunes (Overflow - Nasara) https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/overflow/id1007188737
Bandcamp (Overflow - Nasara) https://nasara.bandcamp.com/releases
Waabeh (Revealed - Young Nnoiz) https://waabeh.com/yung-nnoiz/revealed

I could possibly narrate everything that happened in the two-hour event but I'll spare you all that. Just check out these photos instead. I think they tell the stories better.

Dear Christian artists, keep being the light on a hill for God's glory in all aspects of your lives.

Special thanks to my entourage :D Kathi Mwangi and awesome photographer Gachanja. You can view his work . I was in a dilemma on which photos to put up here, so I will put the rest on Eireney's Facebook page. Be sure to like the page and tag your friends.

Looking forward to attending the next event with my siblings from FWWF.
Till next time, God bless.