Revamp Your Work Wardrobe

By Blondeambition @BrookeFalvey

Pic by Josh Woning, courtesy of Quest Newspapers.

You’d have to be hiding in a bubble not to know domestic violence is a hot topic in Australia right now. 

One in five Australian women are affected. And with 37 women killed so far this year in domestic violence incidents, we need to be yelling it from the rooftops and doing everything we can to help women find safe outcomes.  

Which is where you come in. As part of my recent bout of spring cleaning, which then turned into moving house, I donated a heap of clothes to Women’s Legal Service, a not-for-profit based in Brisbane who provide free legal and social work services to Queensland women.

Now you can by them by attending and shopping at tomorrow night’s corporate clothing sale at the historic Hanworth House in East Brisbane.

“By attending our clothing sale, you can help us raise vital funds so that we can continue to help women find a safe way out for them and their children,” Women’s Legal Service Coordinator Rosslyn Monro said.

“The women of Brisbane have opened their closets and given us some great work wear to sell so it’s shopping for a great cause!”

The event will also feature advice from fashion blogger and stylist Nikki Parkinson from Styling You and Louise DÁllura from Revamp Professional Organisers. The corporate clothing sale hosted is an initiative of the Women Lawyers Association of Queensland with all funds going to Women’s Legal Service.

What: Women’s Legal Service corporate clothing sale

Where: Hanworth House, Hanworth St, East Brisbane

When: Friday 22 May, 6pm