
By Lovelybylucy @lovelybylucy

Again, I’m reunited with London. Ok, I was there last week and I was only home for a few days until I booked another flight here, but I love this spur of the moment trip. I’m also finally reunited with my friends Jason and Tyler with who I’m spending my time here in London. I love their photography so I’m always happy to have my outfit captured by them. This is what I was wearing yesterday. All black, can’t get enough. I’m wearing another vintage find from New York, I found these Elizabeth and James trousers hidden in some rack at my favorite vintage store in New York and was over the moon when they where the perfect shape and fit. Anyways, I’m super late for my plans today so I will tell you all about this trip in London later, have to run! Happy Sunday!

Leather jacket and t-shirt: Zara / Trousers: Vintage Elizabeth and James / Bag: Givenchy / Shoes: New Look
Pictures by Jason and Tyler