The Talons of Weng-Chiang
The Doctor and Leela arrive in 19th Century London and decide to take in a show, but not before donning the appropriate garb. Whilst Leela struggles with the notion of wearing more than a leather scrap bikini the Doctor is more in his element dressing up as Sherlock Holmes for his own amusement. What they soon uncover is a conspiracy involving a Chinese stage magician and a series of missing girls through the district. The Doctor goes into full detective mode and soon finds that it all leads back to a stranded 51st century despot and his diminutive cyborg who are trying to get their time cabinet working.
Using the tone of a Sherlock Holmes story in the context of Doctor Who is a solid idea, and one that will be revisited in later seasons, but the writers may have forgotten that most Holmes tales were short stories. Compacting things into four episodes, and pushing the reveal of the villain back into later in the narrative would have made for a much tighter story. Instead things meander back and forth for longer than it needs to, and for a mystery story there isn’t much mystery at all after the second half. Likewise the supporting characters have little to offer in their own sub-plots, giving the Doctor little more than someone to talk to when Leela isn’t around.
There is some fun to be had in the scenes where Leela is being educated in the ways of the 19th century, and it’s a shame that much of it feels like padding. Tom Baker is on form as usual but for most of the story he seems somewhat disinterested. It’s not among the best of the series to date.
Horror of Fang Rock
Even with Tom Baker’s goofy and eccentric take on the Doctor and Leela’s difficulty fitting in with the ‘civilised’ society it’s a pretty intense couple of episodes. Although the viewer is often aware of who has been possessed by the alien it’s the way that the cast turn against each other through paranoia and fear that make things interesting. Trust becomes the driving conflict until the numbers have dwindled and the alien makes it’s real appearance for a final showdown. The location is also used to great effect, with the tight spiralling stairs and the small cramped rooms heightening the feeling of isolation and paranoia. It must’ve been a bitch to film in those spaces the they’ve carried it well.
Being produced several decades ago the effects have aged pretty poorly, but it’s a minor quibble. When the script and concept are this solid it’s easy to overlook a couple of dorky looking effects.
The Invisible Enemy
At the medical station Leela teams with medical analysing robot dog K9 in fending off the humans possessed by the virus while the Doctor creates microscopic clones of himself and Leela that travel inside the Doctor’s brain to defeat the virus. Things are complicated further by the virus escaping and enlarging itself to human size. The whole thing sounds like it could be a mess of ideas, but what we get is a faced paced serial with plenty of twists and turns. We switch from a possession story to shoot-outs to Inner Space and it never stops being fun. We also get the introduction of K9, one of the most iconic characters of the show, and he’s plenty of fun.
The Invisible Enemy is a snappy and fin set of episodes with plenty of ideas and actions to enjoy.