Restoring Calmness in Noise-Sensitive Dogs

By Hundidocom @hundidopuppy

If many dogs had their way, they would paw the mute button on thunderstorms, vacuum cleaners, fireworks, and other noisy sounds. The intense booms and bangs of fireworks and storms, and high-pitched whine of household appliances can transform mellow dogs into fear-filled canines. In efforts to escape these sounds, some dogs panic by crashing through plate glass windows, chewing through walls, and leaping over backyard fences.

Here are some tips on how to restore calmness in noise-sensitive dogs. These are especially helpful during the holidays like the Fourth of July and during thunderstorms.

1. Convert an interior room of your house into a calm sanctuary for your dog. Bring in your dog’s favorite toy and one of your lived-in shirt as comfort during an approaching thunderstorm.

2. Shut the window, close the blinds, and draw the curtains.

3. Turn on the air conditioner and television or radio as to muffle outside sounds.

4. Set aside time in the late morning of the holidays (Fourth of July, New Year, and the likes)  to exercise your dog. Depending on the health and preference of your dog, take him for a long run or swim, or engage him in a game of fetch, agility, or some other energy-burning activity so that he will be tired and wanting to snooze when the fireworks show starts.

Walk your dog on a leash a couple of hours before dusk so that he can relieve his bladder before the firecrackers start to explode. Wait until an hour after the fireworks to take your dog out for his final bathroom break of the night.

5. Close the doggy door so your dog can’t try to leap out in a panic during a storm of fireworks show.

6. Distract your dog by engaging in one of his favorite indoor games or by offering him a chew toy stuffed with peanut butter or one of his favorite foods.

7. Reward confident behavior and avoid comforting or soothing fearful behavior, which will only reinforce the fear.

8. Desensitize your dog’s fears of the vacuum cleaner, water hose, lawn mower, and other appliances. Put your dog in another part of your home before you begin using the targeted appliance. Keep him inside an enclosed room or one with a baby gate.

To desensitize your dog to the appliance, slowly increase your dog’s exposure to it. Then gradually move the appliance closer and closer over time. Monitor your dog’s reaction at each – it may be necessary to repeat a step until your dog demonstrates consistent confidence. Eventually turn the appliance on in your dog’s presence. Reward him with food treats and praise each time he remains calm around it.

If you feel that you’re striking out when it comes to teaching appropriate behavior to your dog, don’t hesitate to ask professional help from vets and/or trainers.

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