Restaurant De La Tour, Traditional French Cuisine

By Nogarlicnoonions @nogarlicnoonion
Rating: 63/100


Menu Choices: 8/10

Food Presentation: 8/10

Food Temperature: 8/10

Food Taste: 17/20

Service: 6/10

Ambiance/Music: 4/10

Architecture/Interior: 3/10

Air Quality: 3/10

Total: 63/100

More about: Restaurant De La Tour, Paris

The La Tour restaurant, located on the 9th district of Paris is one of those hidden places that is not commercially exposed. You will not find it easily but when you do, you will become exposed to a succulent Parisian culinary world where taste wonders are discovered. 

Located a couple of meters away from the Trinity church on a little street called La Tour des Dames, La Tour restaurant serves authentic French dishes carefully prepared in an open kitchen. It’s a place where you can enjoy a delicious French cuisine accompanied with nice mouthwatering sounds.

Today’s suggestions:


  • Os a Moelle
  • Terrine de Saumon
  • Foie Gras de Canard
  • Filet de Hareng, Pomme Vapeur
  • Asperge Fraiche Vinaigrette

Main dishes:


  • Opera
  • Moelleux Chocolat
  • Fromage Blanc
  • Creme Brûlée
  • Crumble aux Pommes
  • Glace

The food is simply delicious. It’s a special French combination of mixes only a few know how to prepare. You can have a full meal consisting of an appetizer, a main dish and dessert for only 23 euros and trust me its not just any food. I enjoyed my lunch today and will surely come back really soon.

The Salmon Terrine, the pork curry and the apple crumble were all great. Even the hot crunchy fresh and tasty French bread was unique.

The minuses:

  • The kitchen smell haunts you for the rest of the day. The cooking smell soaks into your clothes making you smell food all afternoon
  • The place needs more lighting and a smoother ambiance
I had the chance to visit the restaurant again for a second time and tasted the Boeuf Bourgignon and the foie gras that are as good as the rest. La Tour is a little restaurant with no decoration or ambiance but that I recommend for the quick and easy local cuisine.

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