When designing and developing a website, typically you’ll be looking at it during work… on your desktop or a laptop. But don’t forget that more and more people are viewing from their mobile phone or table. You’re going to want a website that can adjust to the device.
The difference is known as “Responsive”, meaning that the programming responds to the device that is viewing the site. Large desktop monitors still see all photos, headers and content. But tablets and smart phones scale down the website and eliminate some of the navigation, headers and extra pieces.
While my company’s website www.resources-results.com has been switched to a responsive design, this blog, Branding & Marketing is still in a fixed format of Thesis 1.83.
I haven’t decided if I’m going to go Thesis 2.0 or venture into another theme. Those of you who have looked into other responsive themes, what are your favorites. Any former Thesis users who love love love their new responsive theme? Let me know by leaving a comment below.