Responding to Satmar's Crazy Jerusalem Claim (video)

By Gldmeier @gldmeier
Satmar/NK published a video that went viral, in Jewish community terms. The video was a response to Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. As they have done before, also to great success, they have Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro as their speaker. He looks like a normal, average, frum Jew, rather than looking like a Satmar chassid, and therefore his promoting such things is surprising, but also is more palatable. He also speaks well and is pleasant to listen to, again, not like the average Satmar spokesperson. They put him up as their front and draw people in.
Can you imagine anything more crazy than a rabbi claiming that Jerusalem wasn't the capital of the Jewish people or how about a rabbi saying that Hebrew was never the spoken language of the Jewish people? Meet Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro, spokesman for Natruna (True Torah Jews) one of the most vocal anti-Israel organisation on the internet. Their latest video has been viewed by over a million people. So we decided to respond.

Satmar's original video (or maybe it is Neturei Karta):

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