Many claim to be psychic or to have paranormal abilities but actually only very few really do and it is a disgrace and so disrespectful to those of us that genuinely do fall into that category of having second-sight/extra sensory perception.
These individuals violate the true gravity, beauty, and sacredness of what these gifts mean and represent. It is not something common or for those in specific to put their own handle on.
Yes, we that are truly incline have our own special talents in a variety of different ways and at different levels but no one can define for us what our gifts are, how they operate, the connection unto and no one can redefine what was celestially designed within originality and distinction for any group to claim and rearrange into the norm.
I hate when outsiders or wannabees attempt to invade then sully by charging in on a territory that was not meant for them to inhabit within the first place just because they want to be “special” too.
What is a dead giveaway to many fakes and phonies is when they underestimate the power that we authentic bearers of the caul really hold. They don’t know because they don’t actually have true paranormal ability and they don’t understand how it functions so they think or believe that they can fool us.
I laugh at liars because a liar constantly worries about what others are thinking, has to keep up a story, and then they have to remember their lies, however, when one tells the truth they have nothing to worry about and the validity always carries them through.
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