Resolving HVAC Issues: Expert Insights Into Inspection and Repair

By Ty Watson

A well-maintained HVAC system has become a necessity today. This system keeps the home or business at the desired temperature while reducing energy usage. When the system malfunctions, the building's occupants won't be comfortable, energy bills will climb, and the system might fail. What are some common HVAC problems? How are they repaired?

Importance of Regular Maintenance

Regular HVAC inspection and repair services help prevent and resolve many HVAC issues. An owner needs to schedule regular tune-ups and inspections. These professional visits should take place once or twice a year to make certain the system operates at peak efficiency. A trained technician thoroughly inspects all components within the system to make sure they are working as they should. The parts examined include the coils, blower, refrigerant levels, and air filters. If any potential problems are seen, they will recommend repairs or replacement. This proactive maintenance reduces the risk of a costly and disruptive breakdown in the coming weeks or months.

Common HVAC Issues and Repair Strategies

Although regular maintenance goes a long way to preventing breakdowns, they may still happen. What are some common HVAC problems? What do experts recommend when it comes to rectifying them?

Restricted Airflow

Clogged air filters, a blockage in the ductwork, or a problem within the blower motor can restrict airflow within the system. Owners should replace the air filters monthly or as the HVAC technician recommends. The technician will need to remove ductwork blockages or repair or replace the blower motor.

Refrigerant Leaks

A refrigerant leak may go undetected until your energy bill suddenly skyrockets. This leak leads to inefficient cooling and possibly complete system failure. A qualified electrician is needed to locate and repair the leak. They will also refill the refrigerant to the proper level. This task cannot be taken on by the owner, as the government regulates this refrigerant.

Thermostat Issues

Incorrect calibration of the thermostat could lead to problems with the HVAC system. Faulty wiring in the thermostat will also cause problems. When the owner requests a temperature change, the system will not respond because the thermostat isn't communicating properly with the system. The thermostat might need to be recalibrated or you may need to replace it.

Compressor Failure

An HVAC system cannot work without a compressor. When the compressor fails, the system can't heat or cool the home. Sadly, replacing the compressor comes with a high price. When problems are caught early, this step can often be avoided, so have the unit inspected by a professional at least once a year.

Ductwork Leaks

Ductwork leaks lead to a loss of conditioned air before it reaches the destination. Energy loss is a concern along with uneven temperature distribution. Mastic sealant can seal leaks or you might choose to replace damaged sections to improve the system's efficiency and performance.

Importance of Hiring a Professional

While an owner can complete many HVAC tasks, leave complex jobs to a professional. These systems contain many intricate parts that require specialized knowledge. The technician will make the repairs and ensure the system runs properly and safely. Furthermore, most manufacturers require professional maintenance to maintain warranty coverage.

Make HVAC maintenance a priority for a comfortable and energy-efficient home. Doing so extends the lifespan of the unit. When an owner knows common HVAC issues and their repairs, they can determine whether to complete the repair or leave it to the pros. Either way, have the work done promptly to prevent costly and disruptive breakdowns.