Resolution Update: October 18

By Khourianya @khourianya
Ack!  Only one more month to go! Then my 36 resolutions for the year will be done. So far, I'm pretty impressed with how far I've come with these.  I know I won't knock ALL of them off the list, but I think I've done pretty well in the last 11 months.
  1. Do something interesting with my hair - BTW, I am LOVING the pixie!  I just wish it didn't grow so fast!
  2. Rework my home gym
  3. Tune up my bike - still need to do this may turn into "Give bike a good once over before stowing it away again"
  4. Take the girls to Zoolights
  5. Make amazing halloween costumes - DONE! Ok, not completely done...but the girls costumes are done and mine just has a couple of extra tweaks to finish it off.
  6. Plan a monthly date night -ummm.  Not so much.  Wow - we suck at this.   But we have had some fun family adventures this past month.
  7. Volunteer at a race - Oct 27, I am volunteering at the WOW Superheroes Run!
  8. Go thrifting once each month - DONE!  Score of the month was a beautiful vintage brooch for 50 cents (and ebay tells me that I could sell it for $30 if I wanted to).  I also got a pair of Benetton dress pants for $5 that fit like they were made for me.
  9. Learn to knit properly 
  10. Take a shopping trip to the States
  11. Invest in a perfect party dress (doesn't need to be black) - I'm calling this one done.  Though I don't have the dress yet - I have made the commitment to get one for my best friend's wedding.  Extending the timeline until spring so I can lose some weight before I shop.
  12. Get another tattoo - soon.
  13. Leave Facebook again
  14. Get an instagram poster printed 
  15. Stay at the Banff Springs Hotel  
  16. Go on an amazing hike
  17. Take my kids camping 
  18. Re-learn how to draw and paint 
  19. Create an outdoor reading area 
  20. Plant a rose garden - still planning...BUT am holding off until next spring before I implement it.  calling this one done this year.   My promise to myself, though, is to put it in May long.  
  21. Redecorate the master bedroom and bath 
  22. Train for a specific goal race 
  23. Create an indoor reader's sanctuary Create a creative space for myself 
  24. Try to have an article published in a magazine - not going to happen this year but I will keep it as a goal for sometime in the near future.
  25. Try Stand-Up Paddleboarding 
  26. Go snowshoeing with hubby - on hold til Fall.  This one will depend on an early winter.I did ask Hubby for snowshoes for my birthday
  27. Go ice skating with my girls
  28. Visit Ontario in the Fall - changed to: Book Tropical Family Getaway
  29. Self Publish One Book - le sigh...Taking this one off the list.   BUT, I did decided to participate in Nanowrimo again this year to see if I can get another idea out of my head.  Maybe this one will be easier to keep moving on.
  30. Run a 2:15 Half- I came so close and I don't even feel bad that I didn't do it.  At Harvest Half Marathon, I finished in 2:21:29 and ran the entire thing feeling gassy and bloated but still ran strong.  Given the injury challenges I had this late summer/early fall - I think this more than qualifies as a success and I am marking it completed.  NEXT year I know I can beat my goal.  
  31. Run a sub-60min 10k 
  32. Run a Sub-30min 5k
  33. Run a continuous 10k 
  34. Run the Goofy Challenge at Walt Disney World 
  35. Complete a home yoga stretching challenge - I need to do it, I just can't find time or motivation.   Maybe I should change it to "will stretch calves daily" challenge instead.
  36. Complete 8 weeks of Rip:60 changed to Complete 6 Weeks of Kettleworx - currently in progress.