Resolution Update: March 18

By Khourianya @khourianya
Time to update on my 36 resolutions for the year.  This past month actually felt really productive!  And I am loving all of the red I am seeing in the list now :)
  1. Do something interesting with my hair
  2. Rework my home gym
  3. Tune up my bike
  4. Take the girls to Zoolights
  5. Make amazing halloween costumes
  6. Plan a monthly date night - done!  Hubby took the reins this month.  When we were in Banff, he took me out for a lovely vegetarian lunch at Nourish (Highly recommended)
  7. Volunteer at a race - I am thinking I may volunteer for the Tour of Alberta (think Tour De France but in Alberta).  Hearing all of the discussion on CBC radio has gotten me pretty excited about this huge event coming to our province.  Perhaps for the Strathmore to Drumheller leg.  I'll be looking into it for sure.
  8. Go thrifting once each month - done!  I had no luck on my first trip, but when an emergency trip to find green clothes for the girlies for St Paddys sent me back to the thrift store - I cleaned up on amazing clothes for the girls.  Mostly Gap stuff so now they'll look just like their momma.   I also raided the book section and found some great stuff.
  9. Learn to knit properly - I am on a real roll now.  This month I learned to knit cables and lace and pictures.  I really started to feel like I was accomplishing something.  The only thing is - I am still just knitting squares.  I think I need to maybe move onto a larger project to really practice my pattern reading.

  10. Take a shopping trip to the States 
  11. Invest in a perfect party dress (doesn't need to be black)
  12. Get another tattoo
  13. Leave Facebook again
  14. Get an instagram poster printed - ORDERED!  I chose a selection of photos from 2012 to print our first poster.  If I like how it turns out - I am going to try to make this an annual thing.  The poster is 20x30 and cost $25 plus shipping (through  Totally reasonable for an experiment, I thought.
  15. Stay at the Banff Springs Hotel  DONE!  Hubby had been given a Fairmont gift card through his work so we decided to go celebrate our upcoming 5th wedding anniversary with a weekend away without the kids.
  16. Go on an amazing hike
  17. Take my kids camping
  18. Re-learn how to draw and paint - Psuedo-done/was never necessary.   I decided to buy myself a new sketchbook and just start sketching from life again.  As soon as I picked up the pen for the first time, I realized I don't need to RE-LEARN.  I need to practice what my hands and eyes already kow how to do.   So I am crossing this one off and plan to just keep sketching.  This summer I will haul out my pastels again and start getting dusty
  19. Create an outdoor reading area
  20. Plant a rose garden
  21. Redecorate the master bedroom and bath
  22. Train for a specific goal race - The training plan for Calgary 10k is now underway!
  23. Create an indoor reader's sanctuary Create a creative space for myselfDONE!  
  24. Try to have an article published in a magazine
  25. Try standup Paddleboarding
  26. Go snowshoeing with hubby - thwarted.  we wanted to go while we were kid-free in Banff...but it rained all day Saturday and Sunday there was fresh snow, but we had to get home and wanted to leave early in case the roads were nasty (they were).  So, if we don't get a chance to go sometime this month, we may be forced to wait until November to try again.
  27. Go ice skating with my girls - DONE!  And could have so easily been thwarted by spring.  BUT - we headed out to Olympic Plaza and the girlies had a ball skating around.  Turns out they have watched the Stella & Sam ice skating episode so much that they knew exactly what to do.  Naturals.   Now we awake every morning to a chorus of "Can we go ice skating today?"
  28. Visit Ontario in the Fall
  29. Self Publish One Book
  30. Run a 2:15 Half
  31. Run a sub-60min 10k - aiming for Calgary Marathon
  32. Run a Sub-30min 5k - twarted by the weather.  Must find another timed 5k....
  33. Run a continuous 10k - aiming for Run for Water
  34. Run the Goofy Challenge at Walt Disney World - COMPLETED!
  35. Complete a home yoga challenge 
  36. Complete 8 weeks of Rip:60