Resolution Update: June 18

By Khourianya @khourianya
Ok - I know I totally missed last month.  May was insane for me.  But here I am now and only a day late!
Time to update on my 36 resolutions for the year.  And in the two months since the last update - I've managed to knock quite a few things off the list!
  1. Do something interesting with my hair - starting to discuss with my hairdresser :)
  2. Rework my home gym
  3. Tune up my bike
  4. Take the girls to Zoolights
  5. Make amazing halloween costumes
  6. Plan a monthly date night - ummm.  yeah.  about that.... #fail
  7. Volunteer at a race -Still waiting to hear back about Tour of Alberta . Am also looking at other options.
  8. Go thrifting once each month - DONE!  Managed to score lots of summer tops for work and quite a few summery things for the girlies as well!
  9. Learn to knit properly - my needles have been resting lately, but I am looking forward to picking them up again soon.  I really want to get some more squares done for my afghan.
  10. Take a shopping trip to the States 
  11. Invest in a perfect party dress (doesn't need to be black) - I bought a dress...but I don't consider it a "party dress"  still looking.
  12. Get another tattoo
  13. Leave Facebook again
  14. Get an instagram poster printed 
  15. Stay at the Banff Springs Hotel  
  16. Go on an amazing hike - I've recently taken up trail running and have seen some beautiful things already.   Not really an amazing hike YET...but I have no doubt I'll have one before the end of the summer!  Especially since I'll be having a bloggy meetup in a couple of weeks on Grouse Grind....
  17. Take my kids camping - DONE!  We took the girlies camping last weekend and they LOVED it!  I'm working on a MOMday post about it
  18. Re-learn how to draw and paint 
  19. Create an outdoor reading area - starting to plan
  20. Plant a rose garden - starting to plan
  21. Redecorate the master bedroom and bath - DONE! 
  22. Train for a specific goal race - DONE!   Trained specifically for Calgary Marathon 10K and nailed my time goal!
  23. Create an indoor reader's sanctuary Create a creative space for myself
  24. Try to have an article published in a magazine - I think I have an idea for one...just fleshing it out
  25. Try Stand-Up Paddleboarding - booked.  It's dependent on weather, but I am taking a SUP course with my friend Amy on July 14!!!!
  26. Go snowshoeing with hubby - on hold til Fall.
  27. Go ice skating with my girls
  28. Visit Ontario in the Fall - this one is off the books for this year.  We just found out that my cousin (in Ontario) is having a destination wedding next spring so our travel budget needs to accommodate that instead.  
  29. Self Publish One Book - still hopeful.  I just need to find some revision time....
  30. Run a 2:15 Half - training starts for Harvest Half in early July!
  31. Run a sub-60min 10k - NAILED IT!  May 26, I ran Calgary Marathon 10k in 59:38!  I think I can go faster so I may do it again this summer!
  32. Run a Sub-30min 5k -  DONE!!!! I ran my Redemption 5k in 27:25 on April 21st at Spring Trio!  I also ran another sub-30 2 weeks later at the Skirt Chaser!
  33. Run a continuous 10k - aiming for Run for Water, but may do it at MEC 10k in July.
  34. Run the Goofy Challenge at Walt Disney World 
  35. Complete a home yoga stretching challenge - yeah - so I totally flopped at this one in May.  May need a different goal.
  36. Complete 8 weeks of Rip:60