Reshuffling Priorities: Making Vipassana Meditation a Priority

By Ryanshelton7 @LivingVipassana

Well, I would like to start with an apology for a long from this space. From the title, you have every reason to believe that I in recent time I have deeply thought of reshuffling my priorities.
In my last post, I talked about paying my homage to Guruji by becoming more consistent with Vipassana practice and Yes! I am still on the track. Even I sleep late at night, even I feel like having a quick nap on a cold winter morning, I am not excusing myself. I am taking time to meditate and it has helped me in different ways.

First, I overcame the guilt of not devoting enough time for meditation [even after knowing that it is one of the most important thing in life]. I have realized that this feeling that I have missed a session was really very troublesome.

Second, it gave me confidence that I can be persistent, I mean – I am a creative creature – new ideas, new things attract me frequently – I start with new things – enjoy them thoroughly and then as the time passes the interest fades away. But, now starting with meditation practice, I have decided to narrow down my choice – choose the things considering long term perspective and devote them wholeheartedly. Needless to say, writing for this blog has toped my priority list. I have decided to find new ways to be creative with those limited choice so I would be writing different aspects of Vipassana.

Third, it helped me in taking control of my life. I have been struggling for getting up early in the morning but I was losing the battle – it was always mattress over the mind but now it is mind over the matter. I have taken control and irrespective of situation, I get up early and meditate exactly as planned.

As I said, I would be touching upon some interesting aspects of Vipassana and their impact on my life. Please stay tuned.