Researchers Withdraw Claims of Black Hole System HR 6819 Of Housing Any Black Hole

Posted on the 04 March 2022 by Geetikamalik

Two astronomers collaborated together to prove the existence of a black hole system without black hole. Located at a 1000-year-old stone jet, the identified black hole is actually a two-star “vampire” system in a rare and short-lived stage of its evolution. The observations for the same thing were done with the help of the very large telescope (VLT) of the ESO and a very large telescope interferometer (Vlti). Read below to know everything about the Black Hole system identified.

In a research paper published in the Astronomy & Astrophysics journal, a team of researchers belonging to the South European Observatory (ESO) and Ku Louvain, Belgium has declared that an asteroid is relatively closest ever identified. Initially back in 2020, ESO astronomers came out with the discovery of the nearest Balck hole located in a black hole system named HR 6819.

The study had received immense praise and media coverage. But soon contradicts another group of astronomers belonging to Ku Leuven in Belgium proposed a different explanation of the same data: HR 6819 could also be a system with only two stars on a 40-day orbit and no black hole. This alternative scenario would require one of the stars to be “stripped”, which means that, at a time earlier, it had lost a great fraction of its mass at the other star.

What is a black hole system?

A binary black hole (BBH) is a system consisting of two black holes in narrow orbit each other. Like the black holes themselves, binary black holes are often divided into stellar binary black holes, formed either as remnants of high-mass binary stars systems, either by dynamic processes and mutual catches; And binary supermassive black holes, believed to be a result of galactic mergers.

For many years, proving that the existence of binary black holes has been made difficult because of the nature of the black holes themselves and limited detection means available. However, in the case where a pair of black holes fuses, an immense amount of energy should be off as gravitational waves, with separate waveforms that can be calculated using general relativity.

The post Researchers Withdraw Claims of Black Hole System HR 6819 Of Housing Any Black Hole  first appeared on NewsBamboo.