Republicans And Trump Voters Still Believe The "Birther" Lie
Posted on the 12 December 2017 by JobsangerThis is both amazing and shocking to me. And it shows just how far the Republican Party has moved from reality. We have seen President Obama's birth certificate (both short and long forms), read the newspaper announcement of his birth, and had Hawaii officials assure us that he was born in their state. His American birth (and citizenship) has been proven beyond doubt.
But many Republicans still prefer to believe the "birther" lies that claim he was born in Kenya. That's the belief of 51% of Republicans -- and of 57% of Trump voters. Reality and facts mean nothing to these people. They believe what they want to believe.
The chart above was made from a recent Economist / YouGov Poll -- done between December 3rd and 5th of a random national sample of 1,500 adults, with a margin of error of 3.4 points.