Report Says Valerie Jarrett Gave The Order To Stand Down In Benghazi

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

I’m thinking skippy doesn’t even scratch without Broom Hilda‘s permission. Yikes, she’s scary.   

She eats Children. She is Evil Personified. Yikes!!!

August 8, 2013

A post at the Conservative Report Online made the shocking claim that Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett gave the order to stand down in Benghazi during the Sept. 11 terror attack that saw four Americans killed, citing only unnamed “confidential sources.” The report was discussed by Rush Limbaugh on Tuesday and an editorial at the Investor’s Business Daily said Wednesday that it would not have been the first time Jarrett issued such an order.

“The military-order, not to initiate action, saving our men in Benghazi, was issued by the President’s Advisor, Valerie Jarrett,” Chip Jones wrote.

Limbaugh said that if the story is true, it would explain “all of the serial lies and the cover-ups and the obfuscation and all of the efforts that were made to distract people’s attention from this.”

“Somebody had to give the order, and Obama was off the grid. That has always, to me, been one of the most interesting aspects of Benghazi. Five o’clock he tells Panetta and whoever else — we were originally told that Hillary, secretary of state, was there, too,” he added.

Naturally, the ultra-left wing Media Matters weighed in, attacking Limbaugh for mentioning the story.

Others also reported on Jones’ account, but did not get scrutinized by Media Matters.

The Blaze said the allegations are worth noting for two main reasons:

  1. The White House hasn’t been forthcoming with details about the deadly terror attack. In fact, the administration has gone out of its way to craft blatantly false narratives involving a YouTube video; and
  2. It’s been widely reported that Jarrett’s influence has shaped our management of international crises, specifically her role in convincing President Obama to call off the planned raid on Osama bin Laden’s Pakistani hideout three separate times.

Meredith Jessup said she is taking the report with a grain of salt, but added that the burden of proof is on the White House, since it “has worked overtime to muddy the water and obfuscate the truth.”

Now the administration is claiming the entire scandal is “phony,” a mere distraction cooked up by Republicans to keep Congress from acting on Obama’s economic plans.

“Until the Obama administration is forthright and truthful with the American people, the rumor mill will continue churning out reports from unnamed sources,” Jessup added.

Video of Limbaugh’s on-air segment can be seen
