Report from Binghamton: Solo Exhibit of My Abstract Paintings

By Abstractartbylt @artbylt

The final reception for my solo exhibit, "Non-objective Abstract Paintings," was this past Friday night at the Orazio Salati Gallery in Binghamton, NY.  The exhibit of 28 paintings will be up until March 25th.

We had good crowds on an evening that started out mild and clear.  First Fridays in Binghamton are usually well-attended, and Orazio has a good following in the community.  It was great to have so many young people there, all interested in looking at and talking about art. 

One young woman seemed very discouraged by her art class at the university, and I think I helped her put things in perspective.  We all have teachers who inspire and encourage us, as well as some who seem to be from a different planet.  It's important, as a young artist, not to let any single teacher discourage you from following your own instincts. 

I had a number of clashes with my drawing professor at Cooper Union, but also had a painting professor who was an amazing mentor for me.  On the other hand, some students felt just the opposite about these two men, so the important thing is to keep going until you find someone who is a good fit for you.

By nine o'clock when the reception ended, the weather had turned to snow, then sleet and rain, but I had a relaxing dinner at Remlik's with family who came up from Philadelphia bearing umbrellas to keep us dry.  And we stayed over at the nearby RiverWalk Hotel, so we did not have to drive anywhere that night. 

Here are a couple of pics from the reception: