Replacement Theory = White Supremacy = Republicanism

Posted on the 19 May 2022 by Jobsanger
The cartoon above (by Ed hall at shows a reality.

The shooter who killed 10 innocent Black citizens in Buffalo made his reason clear. He was a believer in "replacement theory" -- the idea that Democrats are trying to replace white heterosexual citizens with others (Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Lesbians, Gays, Muslims, etc.) to keep the Republicans from ever winning elections (especially on a national basis).

Where does replacement theory come from? It was originally a fringe idea embraced by white supremacists (and other racists). It is no longer a fringe idea. The Republican propaganda organ (Fox News) has several of their hosts pushing the theory now. And many elected Republicans are openly embracing the theory. Even those Republicans who don't preach it are reluctant to condemn it.

Republicans will try to tell you the shooter was just mentally ill. But mentally ill or not, the ideas he was expressing (and carrying out with his murderous rampage) are now a part of mainstream Republican beliefs. 

How did a once proud political party sink to such racist depths? It began in the 1960's when Democratic president Lyndon Johnson piloted three civil rights bills through Congress and signed them into law. This caused millions of racists to abandon the party (especially in the South). Republicans saw an opportunity to seize power in the South, so they embraced these racists, appealing to them with racist dog whistles.

The Republican leaders thought they could control this racist element -- using them to win elections. But it didn't work out that way. The racists proved to be numerous, and unwilling to be controlled. They have seized control of the party. Now a Republican can't get elected with accepting the sick beliefs of these racists. The Republican Party has become the party of bigotry -- particularly when it comes to white supremacy, anti-immigrant sentiment, and christian fundamentalism.

Add in the conspiracy theorists (like Q-anon) and an irrational loyalty to Donald Trump, and it's easy to see that the lunatics are now running the party. 

They are no longer a mainstream party, but a party of radical fringe ideas.