"Repetition Is Truth" This is the third in my Rustic Cross series. You can see the first two here.
I originally titled this piece: "A Message From The President", because of the words collaged on the back side of the piece, but I ended up calling it "Repetition Is Truth", because of the words found on the front side, just under the face. Both of these are words from titles of magazine articles I came across when I was clipping images and words for my collage work.
For this cross I used wood from a broken chair, that had been thrown out, found at the back entrance of the local little theater. The cross is collaged in interesting magazine images and words and tissues. A doll's eye that opens and closes, peers out from the center of the cross. A delicate amber rosary hangs in the front.
Here is an interesting side-story, and one totally unrelated to the creation of this piece: This morning when I GOOGLED the words "Repetition Is Truth" (a bit of research I do for titles of every piece I make), I found a definition from Wikipedia, where they reference these words to "Proof by Assertion"and give examples of usage, as in political slogans, advertising, and brainwashing.
They even quote Lenin who said: "A Lie told often enough becomes the truth" . . . . a thought provoking interpretation, wouldn't you say?