Remembering My Past as I See My Future

By Robin Salvador @vinzsalvador23

Remembering My past as I See My Future

As I was browsing the newsfeed a while ago, I saw the above photo. And honestly, I find it hard contemplating what my answer will be.. I asked myself again, what if I was given a chance to choose my own life's timeline? Which would I pick between turning back ten years from now or the choice of traveling 10 years in the future?

Ten years ago, I was a senior high school student and as we all know most of us loved our high school journey when we're still studying. Just like some of you, I am a happy-go-lucky type of student that time. Not thinking of my future, games and fun was my main concern. I had a very great set of friends, crushes and different adventures that opened my mind to a whole new perspective of the world. I tried a lot of vices (except drugs) wherein I thought I'll find that missing hole in my heart. Ten years ago, it was also a big failure for me when I failed the college entrance examination in my top 3 schools. It was the same year when china products overwhelmed the shoe products here in the Philippines. We were deeply affected by it and that was the cause of our business to close due to bankruptcy. That was a depressing and humiliating part of my life. And one year after, my brother was accused of rape. That led my entire family to the lowest point of our lives.

Thinking of myself ten years from now excites me. I don't know why but I just like the thought of having my own family and business. I have no idea what the future brings but one thing is certain, God loves me and those He loves He'll never leave nor forsake.

In conclusion, I'd rather choose the hardest, saddest, humiliating and challenging part of my life which was ten years ago. Because even though that was painful, those experiences made me the person that God wants me to be and the best part is - if those experiences wouldn't have happened, I would have not met Christ my Saviour and Redeemer. My life isn't perfect but those imperfections make it perfect.

