Remembering Great People of Faith

By Richard Crooks @FindGodindivorc
Something Precious
One of the great things about being in ministry is the opportunity to know and call as friends some of the world’s truly great people, people who are kind, generous, wise and sincerely trying to learn how to be better people.  Oh, I know that isn't the reputation church people always have out there in the world, and it certainly is not the image often portrayed in movies.  Some people think they are judgmental, self-righteous, things like that, and indeed, there are people like that involved in churches….just as there are people like that outside the churches.  It is not a function of church, it is a function of human nature inside or outside the church.  Still, even in spite of individuals we may not care for, every church I have ever been part of has included some pretty special people whose caring, counsel and encouragement have meant a great deal to me and to many others.  I think it is important to remember these things, as sometimes it is far too easy to focus on the things that trouble us, instead of those we appreciate and value. 
Recently I was at the memorial service for one of those great people of faith.  (I am so privileged to have known and to know so many.)  She wasn’t someone that most people in the world will have ever heard of, but the people whose lives she touched won’t forget her.  And, she was one of many saints who were there for me when my marriage fell apart and divorce came my way.  Her service made me think of this verse in Psalms:  Precious in the sight of the Lord Is the death of His godly ones.”                                                                                           Psalm 116:15  NASB   There is something special about knowing these kind of people, and having them as personal friends.  And there is something special in heaven when they depart this earth to be welcomed into glory. 
Anyway, my friend used to have a lot of fun little pithy sayings that she would hang on to and quote as wisdom to help her through life, and to use to encourage others.  When I was leaving the service, one of the family members gave me a little booklet my friend had made that was a collection of her little sayings.  Thumbing through it the other day, it was as if I could hear her saying many of them.  She picked them up here and there, and used them to supplement the guidance she found in the scripture.  By now, perhaps you are thinking of some of those special people in your life.  I hope you are, anyway.  I thought maybe I’d take a few of her gems and pass them along to you.  Enjoy. 
“The dreams you dream can be fulfilled, if when you dream you also build.”
“Never let yesterday use up today.”
“Patience is a bitter plant, but it bears sweet fruit.”
“It takes both rain and sunshine to make a rainbow.”
“If you can’t see the bright side, then polish the dull side!”
“Do not fear tomorrow.  God is already there!”
“Reach up as far as you can and God will reach down the rest of the way.”
“It’s always too soon to quit.”
Well, there are many more, but you get the idea.   Thanks Dorrene, (as well as all my other precious saint friends) for all you have meant in my life…see you in glory.  I wonder, what will yourchildren find you have left as the tidbits of YOUR life?  You might consider pulling together some of your favorite helpful wisdom for them.  Who knows, they might end up on somebody’s blog, too!