
By Thedreamery

Today marks the thirteenth anniversary of a day the world will never forget, a day that will live in infamy, as Franklin D. Roosevelt described Pearl Harbor, another of our nation’s devastating attacks, many years ago. No matter who you are, or who you knew, you remember exactly where and what you were doing when the World Trade Center was attacked. I still remember vividly sitting in my seventh grade classroom crying, wondering if my mother, who at the time was working just a block away and took the train into WTC every morning, was okay. If she had made it into the office or if she was still underneath ground stuck on a train, like hundreds, wondering if their loved ones would return safely into their arms. As my classmates huddled over each other on the windowsill, watching so clearly as the iconic twin towers, burned, sending a black cloud into our sky, until the cloud became the only thing in sight. It is always a day I sit in silence for some time reflecting on how grateful I am that I still have my mother safely with me, but one I also send my prayers and energy to the ones we lost and their loved ones. I haven’t ever really sat down and wrote down my feelings on this melancholy day, but like the world I always remember. Today, wherever you are, light a candle or sit in silence, and remember 9/11.

Image via Style Me Pretty