
By Kirsty Stonell Walker @boccabaciata
Hello everyone and this is just a quick post to ask for your help. 
Back in the Spring of last year I told you all about Fanny Cornforth's final years and finding her grave in Chichester Graveyard.  Fanny had died in Graylingwell Asylum and was buried in a common grave.  As she shared her plot with other people it was impossible to have a stone for her without the agreement of the families of the other people in with her, all of which was impossible. 

Fanny's grave at Chichester

Now, during the Graylingwell Project, I worked with Sarah Rance-Riley on Fanny's life in Graylingwell Asylum and now Sarah has started a GoFundMe page to purchase a bench to be placed by Fanny's grave so people can sit and remember her in the peaceful atmosphere of the cemetery.
This is a lovely project and I am so happy to be involved.  It is hoped that the bench can be installed for 9th April next year.  As many of you will know that is the date of Rossetti's death and in the eyes of many of his contemporaries it should have been the day that Fanny was wiped from Pre-Raphaelite history.  I think it is wonderfully and wickedly fitting that we should unveil the memorial to her on that day.
To donate money to the project please visit Sarah's funding page and I shall keep you updated on progress!