Supatra “Natty” Susuphan, a Thai girl, was previously recognized by Guinness World Records as the hairiest teen in the world in 2010. She startled the local media, nevertheless, when she released new images this week that showed her without the infamous facial hair. Only 50 persons are known to have the Ambras Syndrome, often known as the “Werewolf Syndrome,” a genetic uncommon disorder that results in profuse hair growth. When she was younger, she underwent laser treatments, but they were ineffective and her hair continued growing back.
On Monday, Natty, 17,’s father Samrerng explained to the media how she got her hairless face. According to him, she has only recently begun shaving and hasn’t yet discovered a treatment for her syndrome, according to the Morning News. The public Facebook profile of Natty reveals that she is married, and her feed is replete with images of the two of them together and heartfelt words like “You’re not only my first lover, you’re the love of my life.”