Relocating with Your Dog

By Hundidocom @hundidopuppy
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You’ve landed the ideal job – but it requires you to uproot yourself from your current home, hire movers, and find a new place to live. You scan rental ads off and online and almost everything seems perfect except for the “sorry, no pets allowed” additional information. Now what are you going to do? What will be your plans on relocating with your dog?

Listed below is a list of tips that are helpful to aid you achieving a hassle-free move with your dog.

Recognize that your dog is part of your family. Just as you wouldn’t leave your child behind, enter this search with the attitude that you will find a place that welcomes you and your dog.

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Start your search as soon as you decide to move. Be realistic- don’t postpone the search until a couple of weeks before your move date. Give yourself enough time to find a dog-friendly place. As a dog owner, you have the added responsibility of moving your pet as well as yourself (and your family). Begin checking classified ads in the new destination’s newspaper, searching the net and contacting rental agencies at least six weeks before you need to move.

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Skip the places that clear say “no pets,” especially large rental communities. You will only waste your time and the landlord’s time in attempting to plead your case to make an exception for your pooch.

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