Reliving Sweet Memories with Abuelita’s Pasta: A King Sue Culinary Tribute

By Clari @clarisaysblog

Memories of my abuelita's kitchen are filled with love, laughter, and the irresistible aromas of her signature dishes. Today, I'm bringing a piece of that cherished past back to life by recreating her beloved pasta recipe with a twist, using the finest ingredients from King Sue.

Though she may no longer be with us, her culinary legacy lives on with each dish I make. To honor her, I've chosen King Sue's Hickory Smoked Bacon, German Franks, and Hawaiian Ham, capturing the authentic flavors she adored. As I sauté fresh garlic, onions, and herbs, the familiar scents envelop me, transporting me back to days spent by her side in the kitchen.

Each step of the cooking process is a tribute to her wisdom-never skimp on quality and always trust your palate. As I set the table, I'm reminded of the meals we shared and the stories told, wishing she could join me to taste this perfect blend of past and present.

Cooking Guide: Abuelita's Inspired Pasta with a King Sue Twist


  • King Sue Hickory Smoked Bacon, chopped
  • King Sue German Franks, sliced
  • King Sue Hawaiian Ham, cut into bite-size pieces
  • 2 cloves of garlic, minced
  • 1 large onion, chopped
  • Fresh parsley, chopped (for garnish)
  • Fresh basil, torn
  • Olive oil
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Your choice of pasta (spaghetti or fettuccine work well)


  • Begin by prepping your ingredients. Chop the bacon, slice the German franks, and cut the Hawaiian ham into bite-size pieces. Mince the garlic and chop the onion. Set aside some fresh parsley and basil for garnish.
  • In a large pot, bring water to a boil. Add a pinch of salt and the pasta. Cook according to package instructions until al dente. Once cooked, drain the pasta, reserving a cup of the pasta water for later use.
  • While the pasta cooks, heat a large skillet over medium heat. Add a splash of olive oil, then the King Sue Hickory Smoked Bacon. Cook until it starts to crisp, about 3-4 minutes. Add the German franks and Hawaiian ham, cooking until they are nicely browned, about 5-7 minutes.
  • Push the meats to one side of the skillet. Add a little more olive oil if needed and sauté the garlic and onions in the same skillet until translucent and fragrant, about 2 minutes.
  • Mix the meats and aromatics together as well as some basil and parsley for more flavor. Season with salt and pepper. Add the cooked pasta directly to the skillet. Toss everything together to combine well, allowing the pasta to absorb the flavors. If the mixture seems dry, add a bit of the reserved pasta water to moisten.
  • Remove from heat and give it one last good stir to distribute the flavors throughout the dish. Serve the pasta hot, garnished with additional parsley and basil if desired.

Join me in this culinary journey!

Rediscover the tastes of yesterday infused with today's quality. Grab your favorite King Sue products and recreate this timeless recipe that's sure to stir up wonderful memories and create new ones.

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Indulge in flavors fit for royalty with #TasteFitForAKing and experience the reign of culinary nostalgia with #KingSueQueenOfFlavors. #BringsBackGoodMemories 👑✨

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