Religious Terror Strikes Paris

Posted on the 15 November 2015 by Jobsanger

Unless you live in a cave somewhere, then you know about the terrorist attacks in Paris on Friday night. At least 129 people were killed and over 350 wounded -- and the French government expects the death toll to climb higher.
Some in this country are already doing what they normally do -- blaming muslims for the attacks. While it is true that these particular terrorists were most likely muslim extremists, we need to remember that it's not just muslims that do terrorism. All religions do it -- including christianity (remember Oklahoma City).
As long as religion has existed, there have been extremists in those religions who commit atrocities (from human sacrifices to the Inquisition & crusades to bombings and shootings). It is just a continuing aspect of religion in general that atrocities will be committed by some followers -- and as long as religion exists, the violence will continue (whether you call it terrorism or not). Terrorism will not stop until religion ceases to exist.
We must also be careful to not blame all muslims (or all religious people). These attacks, like other religious violence, was committed by that religion's extremists. All religions have extremists (and always will), but the majority in every religion are not extremists -- and shouldn't be blamed for their religion's shortcomings (the production of extremists).
The talk now is about going after ISIS more ruthlessly. I have no desire to defend ISIS (or any other terrorists), but if anyone thinks defeating ISIS in the Middle East will eliminate terrorism, then they are just fooling themselves. Terrorists have never needed a country of their own to carry out their nefarious deeds -- and they won't need one in the future.
As long as religious extremists (of any religion) exist, terrorism will exist -- and the extremists will exist as long as religion exists.