Religion has it terrible side as well as it good, as discussed in the prior article which appeared last week. Religion has been the excuse, and even the motivation, for many wars and terrible acts. From as far back as the Crusades of the Christians against the Moslems in an attempt to recapture Jerusalem in the name of Religion, the Inquisition in Europe and South America, in an attempt to free the world of those who did not believe in Christianity, to the present day Moslem radicals who want to reestablish the Caliphate in the name of their supreme being, religion has been used to justify mass slaughter of innocents whose only guilt is an accident of birth.
Religion motivated the Holocaust and mass slaughter of Jews and Catholics by Hitler, in the name of racial purification. Religion motivated the slaughter of Croatians by Serbs in the latter part of the last century, the war between the Irish Protestants and Catholics, fighting between Shiites and Sunis, and the mass suicide of the Branch Davidians in Waco. These are but a few examples of the mass killings and events resulting in the deaths of millions motivated by Religions.
However, if one reads the devotional books of each religion and the morality taught in them, it is not easy to find passages to justify these events. The reason believers
Some have criticized the believers who refuse to adopt these aggressive teachings from putting a stop to these teachings. But the teachers are to cunning; they teach their followers that the lack of adoption of their aggressive teachings by others of their own faith marks these others as nonbelievers and enemies of their definition of “Good”, worthy of slaughter as well. In this way, these radical teachers of all faiths retain their
The very strengths of Religion, its fulfillment of our need for discipline, order and morality defining right and wrong backed by a supreme authority, our need for belonging to an exclusive society and community are used by those teachers of Religion backed by the same power of their supreme authority to drive people to do horrible acts, absolved by their teachers and their supreme being from actions that are contrary to the morality integral in most Religions.