If you want a successful party, never talk religion or politics...
Merry Christmas Everybody! (Except Cameron, Clegg, the cast of TOWIE and Jeremy Kyle... I wish you a somewhat sub par festive season!)
It’s that time of year... I think my friend Viv summed it up perfectly in her recent tweet;“Feeling rather festive today – subject to change T+C’s apply!”It’s easy once we pass that age of magic and wonderment to the age of paying for monstrous turkey’s and attempting stuffing recipes that would be better lining our recycle bins to lose track of the spirit of Christmas and struggle to remember why we used to be so excited by what is now a hugely commercial event.I have been fortunate enough to have a little boy who is both excitable and delighted at the prospect of Christmas without huge material expectation and this has blessed me with fresh perspective. On Wednesday, my little man was King Number 1 in his school nativity play (or Wise Man bearing Gold for more pedantic, old school readers).He attends Catholic School, meaning he is fortunate to take part in traditional festivities and at no point is he requested to dress up as a holiday octopus.Watching the excitement (and nerves) as the big day approached, the realisation dawned that cynicism had destroyed my appreciation for what is essentially a really great story.Ok Matthew, Mark, Luke and John had never done a creative writing course, so some serious editing is needed, but there are all the great qualities for a modern classic.There is the pregnancy out of wedlock, the slaughter of children, a prolonged game of musical inn rooms, the gender confused angel dumbstruck by the fact everyone is scared of him wherever he goes and the utterly anticlimactic “to be continued” ending which George Lucas himself would be proud of!But to draw this back to the more serious point I wanted to make.The nativity was delightful.The star turn of the reception dancers led by a girl who can only be described as a four year old Beyonce, left us crying with laughter, the tableau of year 1 in their finery brought tears to every proud parent’s eye and for me, being blown kisses by the most handsome redheaded King I have ever seen (although I may be a little biased) was amazing.I feel inspired now to pack away my cynicism for a few weeks, let a little bit of fairy dust and festive magic into my days and really savour the holidays.The Nativity EthereeChurch.Big Day.SusurrusSweeps the restlessInto a frenzyOf giddy excitement.Head teacher calls for silence,A story is told by childrenAbout a little baby JesusWith innocent conviction and belief.