During the Lok Sabha election the PM designate Narendra Modi said to the voters of Himachal Pradesh “Ye Dil Mange More”. Likewise the people expect more than the fishermen release.
It is well established that the people don’t expect more than a normal life. The issues of the beheading of the soldiers on the border, Mumbai attack etc. are the attack on the integrity of the country.
On the other hand, the beheaded soldier’s widow is going on fast in protest against arrival of Pakistan PM Nawaz Sharif. There might be politics [and diplomacy as well] behind it, but is certainly a message for Modi to remind him about the issue and not let if fade away as the past. The dialogues should be result oriented not just a routine work.
Not only Pakistan but the SAARC countries representatives should be acknowledged about New Delhi. However, there should be an effective policy, envisaging mutual cooperation and development, but simultaneously should appear boldly on own stand. There should be no place for the lethargic attitude of the government. As often alleged by opposition parties, the previous regime for the indifferent attitude that had defamed the country enough.
As enough is enough situations the public had to turn the government down. The present regime has to move step by step carefully to continue its government. Precisely the present government has to remember the demerits and manage how to tackle these.
# Ujjwal Ghosh | Follow author on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ghoshspeaks +