Release the Novel in You Workbook

By Writerinterrupted @writerinterrupt

Summer is the perfect time to start on your dream of writing your novel! It started out as a writing class I created for a class I taught at my kids’ school. Now I’m excited to announce the release of my “Release the Novel in You” workbook. I’ve taken the best of what I’ve been learning over the years and put it in one workbook to help you get your novel from idea to final draft. You don’t have to wait to take one of my courses, though that’s the best way to get the most out of this course and I’ll be teaching it later this summer and in the fall. (More info. to come!) 

This workbook is proof that with hard work and tenacity you can reach your dreams- even YOUR novel writing dreams! And I’d love to help you towards those dreams. I’m writing book 2: Strengthen the Novel in You to teach advance writing and editing techniques, and I’m working on getting my novel writing class online to reach an even greater audience. In fact, if you’re reading this and would like to take advantage of my BETA online Google Hangouts class, email me at gina (at) ginaconroy (dot) com for more information and be the first ten to inquire to receive my discounted price! And check out my podcast Teen Writers Publish. If that doesn’t inspire you to write your  novel, then I don’t know what will!

What about my fiction? Well, it’s taken a back seat -on the bus- while I work to get all my courses in print and online form to help you pursue your writing dreams. If you want to keep up with all that’s going on with my classes for teens, homeschoolers, and adults, subscribe to my newsletter. And don’t be a stranger. I’d love to hear about your book you have deep inside you waiting to be released!