Relaxing Costs Nothing but Time

By Angela @daisyangel1
Your time is precious as is your well being, therefore it is important you remember to treat yourself well and relax in those spare moments you do have. A decision I embraced in April this year.  Everyone has their own way of relaxing, a shopping spree for the latest fashion, a weekend away, a night out at the theatre, a massage and facial at the local spa. All of which will put a slight dent in your bank balance. It is possible to achieve some relaxation for free, here are my favorite tips.

*Free ways to relax*Enjoy a walk in the park

Autumn in Shrewsbury Dingle

Whether it is your local or town park or a country park enjoy nature and your surroundings. The change of seasons bring always bring something different to look at and enjoy. Fresh air and a change of scenery is good for your mental well being.

A Lunchtime Concert

If you live near a town or in a city you will find that many churches or concert halls offer free lunch time concerts. There is nothing quite like live classical music to help make your mind and body drift off. There are free lunchtime concerts held by the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra or St Chads Church Shrewsbury. What better way to relax and escape the stresses and strains of work if only for an hour.

Escape to another world and read

Reading a book really does help me relax, I disappear to either another century or totally different universe. Join your local library and your book reading will not cost you a penny. Most libraries also have many periodicals and magazines so if you do not have the time for a book, read the latest copy of your favorite magazine.

Deep Focused Breathing

Need a few moments of escape, everything crowding in on you. Apparently 10 minutes of deep breathing can help reduce your heart rate and blood pressure. My respiratory consultant recommended this to me to help stretch every tiny filament of my lungs. You can try this where ever you are - waiting to pick the children up from school, or queueing in the shops.

Follow these simple instructions:- 

  • Breathe in through your nose slowly, counting as you fully inflate your lungs, then slowly, still counting breathe out. The counting helps you to focus on the deep breathing and nothing else.
If you find this really works for you, your local library will have books to help you find out more about meditation.

Friends and a pamper

Invite a friend or two to around to enjoy a little me time together, although do not invite too many as you will not be able to talk and spend time with them each. No need to worry about your hair or makeup, wear some thing casual and comfortable. Each of you bring your collection of manicure products, relax, have a gossip and do your nails without any interruptions. This way you all get to try out new products without having to spend a fortune.

Stop the bus of life, I want to get off!

Use that mug or cup and saucer, you know the one, its out on show or kept for best. Make a hot drink using those tea bags at the back of the cupboard you forgot you had. We all have our routine sitting in the same chair, this time sit in a different chair be sure to have a comforting warm throw to hand.    

Now unplug from the world and enjoy your drink. If you have managed this successfully, relax back and pull that throw over yourself and have that ten minute snooze you deserve.

Finding the time

Time a most precious commodity, it is easy to find more if you did not have to work you would have time on your hands. But no work costs money, something not everyone can afford. So you have to find time from else where. Ask yourself before you do something or put your to do list together - is it necessary, can it wait, will the world end if I do not do it? Replace it with something that puts the relaxation back into your life.


Do you have a favorite relaxing tip to share, ideally one that does not cost  anything. 

This is my entry to the art spas says relax competition.