Relaxed Rustic Wedding Ideas in Many Teacups

By Claire

This is part two in a tril­ogy of inspi­ra­tional wed­ding shoots from my lovely friend and spon­sor Alix from Lumiere Pho­tog­ra­phy, and Val from Benes­samy Events. Together with some tal­ented wed­ding sup­pli­ers they’ve cre­ated three styled shoots to inspire you with ideas for our most pop­u­lar wed­ding themes. Last time it was coun­try ele­gance, and today we have relaxed rus­tic wed­ding style ideas. Val can tell you more. Enjoy! Claire x

Rustic vintage wedding ideas shoot Lumiere Photography (1)

Relaxed rus­tic wed­ding inspi­ra­tion shoot

Rustic vintage wedding ideas shoot Lumiere Photography (2)
Relaxed rustic wedding ideas shoot Lumiere Photography (4)

The inspi­ra­tion for this theme was the nat­ural rus­tic charm of after­noon tea on an Eng­lish coun­try farm. Every­thing from the bleached pine sweat heart table infor­mally dressed with burlap run­ners, gor­geous mis­matched china and infor­mal linen to the ‘vin­tage meets rus­tic’ inspired polka dots & pin­stripes sta­tionery. Beau­ti­ful rus­tic bou­quets of hydrangeas, roses and gypsophila.”

After­noon tea would not be com­plete of course with­out deli­cious scones and cakes for all to enjoy! The hay store ‘the­atre’ pro­vided a small “off cen­tre” stage for the cou­ple to relax and enjoy a lit­tle time to them­selves before a refresh­ing glass of home­made lemon­ade from the out­door drinks sta­tion.“

With thanks to all the lovely wed­ding sup­pli­ers involved in the shoot!

Pho­tog­ra­phy — Lumiere Pho­tog­ra­phy
Plan­ning and Co-ordination — Benes­samy Wed­dings & Events
Venue: Baw­don Lodge Farm
Styling: Darby & Joan Vin­tage and Fab­ric The­atre
Flow­ers: Tineke Flo­ral Designs
Sta­tionery: Paper­knots
Wooden Sig­nage and table num­bers: Delight­ful Liv­ing
Fur­ni­ture : The Coun­try Home
Dresses and Acces­sories: Giling & White Bridal
Menswear: Christo­pher Scot­ney
Hair Styl­ist: Ali­son Jen­ner
Make up Artist : Cristina Laz­zarotto
Mod­els – Jack Stovin, Char­lotte Wood