Relaxed and Informal with a Country Twist — an Old Luxters Barn Wedding

By Claire

I always try to focus my blog fea­tures on cou­ples — from real wed­dings to advice fea­tures and guest blogs, Eng­lish Wed­ding is all about you BOTH! I love a wed­ding ques­tion­naire com­pleted by a groom, and my pet hate is the phrase ‘bridal industry’…

But I digress.

Today’s cou­ple are gor­geous, cre­ative, and very clearly head over heels in love. There are lots of lovely images by Wendy Grant Pho­tog­ra­phy to share with you, and plenty of details and ideas in here for you to take away and get inspired by too. I hope you love them! My thanks to Oliver and Nichola, and to Wendy, for shar­ing such a fab­u­lous wed­ding on the blog. Enjoy! Claire x

Oliver and Nichola — A relaxed and infor­mal Old Lux­ters Barn wed­ding with a coun­try twist!

The bride and groom:

Nichola Wager and Oliver Parish – now Mr and Mrs Parish

Wed­ding venue:

St Peters Church Mar­low, fol­lowed by a recep­tion at Old Lux­ters Barn in Henley

Wed­ding photographer:

Wendy Grant Photography

Invi­ta­tions and recep­tion stationery:

My best friend Vanessa – she is an amaz­ing designer

What did you wear?

Ollie wore a tra­di­tional morn­ing suit in a lovely gray color from Per­fectly Groomed in Wind­sor, and I wore a lace and tulle dress from Anna McDon­ald Bridal Gallery

Tell us a lit­tle about your wed­ding venue styling and details:

Relaxed and infor­mal, with a coun­try twist – we wanted our guests to enjoy the sur­round­ings, and the food, with­out hav­ing to feel too formal

Mem­o­rable wed­ding day moments:

The car ride from the church to the venue. It was so lovely to get time alone – nei­ther of us could stop smil­ing as we drove through Mar­low and down the coun­try lanes. We were both a bit giddy!

Wed­ding day advice:

Do not stress. Things will go wrong – it is inevitable but roll with it. Also, give some­one the job or round­ing up the troops for pho­tos! It is not that easy.

Rec­om­mended wed­ding suppliers:

Anna McDon­ald and Per­fectly Groomed. Both were amaz­ing – oh and our pho­tog­ra­pher of course!